🔃FEG Upgrade

📃Current FEG contract: 0xF3c7CECF8cBC3066F9a87b310cEBE198d00479aC

Currently Upgrader tool is available for FEG BSC.

The solution for holders of FEG v1 and V2 on ETH side will be determined at a later time.

Why Upgrade to FEG-SD V3?

FEG has been upgraded to our cutting-edge SmartDeFi technology, transforming it from a simple token into a powerful DeFi platform. This evolution brings a wealth of improvements under the hood.

Upgrade in Centralized Exchanges

If you had a previous version of FEG Token on a centralized exchange (CEX) platform like (for example) GATE, the migration process was automatic and you didn't need to take any additional action.

Upgrade FEG in your wallet

If you hold old FEG in your wallet, you can use our user-friendly upgrade UI for seamless token swapping by following these steps:

  1. Visit the official page for the upgrade: https://smartdefi.com

  2. Find the Upgrade tab, which is designed to be intuitive and straightforward to use.

  3. Upgrade steps are similar across different platforms; you can use any DeFi wallet you prefer.

How to Upgrade FEG

Visit SmartDeFi.com and connect your wallet. On FEG's page, click on the "Upgrader" tab. Here, you will see the amount of FEG v1 (including staked) and FEG v2 that you own and the amount of new FEG you will receive in exchange for these old tokens.

Click "Approve" and after transaction executes, refresh page to make sure, then hit the "Upgrade all" button to give your old tokens and receive new ones in exchange.

General info about upgrading

  • If your FEG v2 was staked, your tokens were automatically upgraded. You'll see your new FEG tokens securely staked when you check the staking page.

  • If your FEG v2 was not staked and held in your wallet, you must manually upgrade your tokens. You can also bridge your new FEG to another chain during this process.

  • If you still have old FEG v1 (staked or not), you must manually upgrade and choose your desired blockchain where to receive the new FEG. Note that FEG v1 to v3 is a 1.000.000:1 ratio, but don't worry, you'll own precisely the same percentage of FEG; as such, you won't lose any money

The end time for the upgrade

The upgrade from the old FEG to the new FEG is open-ended and does not have a set end time. When the team decides on a conclusion time, you will find that info here.

Old FEG addresses

FEGv2 on BNB & ETH // 0xbededDf2eF49E87037c4fb2cA34d1FF3D3992A11
FEGv1 on BNB // 0xacfc95585d80ab62f67a14c566c1b7a49fe91167
FEGv1 on ETH // 0x389999216860AB8E0175387A0c90E5c52522C945

Last updated