🔒Secure Liquidity

The FEG project has taken a significant step to enhance the security of its funds by transferring its liquidity into several multi-signature wallets. This strategic move aims to increase the security and management of the funds, providing additional protection against unauthorized access or misappropriation.

Multi-sig wallets are critical components of the project's liquidity, offering enhanced security for transactions that require multiple signatures to be executed. This approach is a testament to the team's commitment to security. It mitigates the risk of single points of failure and ensures a more democratic and transparent management of funds.

FEGbsc Token & Liquidity (LP) Token allocation:

ROX Integration

This Wallet is designated explicitly for ROX integration. See BSCScan.

Multi-sig Wallet 1


FEG Migration

This Wallet is for the migration of FEG Token

Multi-sig Wallet 2



LP Tokens, Future Burn, CEXs, VC Funding, Etc. See BSCScan

Multi-sig Wallet 3


FEGeth Token & Liquidity (LP) Token allocation:

ROX Integration

This Wallet is designated explicitly for ROX integration. See Etherscan.

Multi-sig Wallet 1


FEG Migration

This Wallet is for the migration of FEG Token. See Etherscan.

Multi-sig Wallet 2



LP Tokens, Future Burn, CEXs, VC Funding, Etc. See Etherscan

Multi-sig Wallet 3


The FEG team has also developed a contract to facilitate the incremental release of funds for the liquidity provider (LP) loan, ensuring the repayment of the loan is done methodically and securely. This contract will enable the lender to make claims from the liquidity bi-weekly until the loan is repaid in full, at which point we can close the loan contract and focus on the next goal.

Last updated