Use BNB/ETH to buy FEG
Contract Address for BASE / BNB / ETH
Buy FEG on on all chains
Open the Dapps browser within your wallet of choice
Head over to and connect your wallet
Here, you can buy on all available blockchains; pick your preferred one
Enter the amount of BNB/ETH you wish to use to buy FEG
Remember to leave some BNB/ETH in your wallet to cover the gas fees
When ready, click the "swap" button to initiate the trade
Buy FEG with BNB on Pancakeswap
Ensure you have enough BNB in your wallet for the purchase and the chain gas fees
Open the Dapps browser within your wallet of choice
Copy/paste this direct link to take you to FEG's trading menu
You may receive a warning, click on "I acknowledge risk" and proceed
Adjust the slippage manually to ensure a successful trade. Click on the gear icon to access the slippage menu and enter at least 4% for buys and 9% for sales
Enter the amount of BNB you wish to exchange for FEG Token
Remember to leave some BNB in your wallet to cover the gas fees required by the Binance network
When ready, click the "swap" button to initiate the trade
Buy FEG with ETH on Uniswap
Ensure you have ETH in your wallet for the purchase and the gas fees
Open the Dapps browser within your wallet of choice
Copy/paste this direct link to take you to FEG's trading page on Uniswap
You may receive a warning; click on "I understand" to advance
Choose your preferred blockchain, like BASE (low gas fees) or ETH (extreme gas fees)
Enter the amount of ETH you wish to use to buy FEG
Remember to leave some ETH in your wallet to cover the transaction gas fees
When ready, click the "swap" button to initiate the trade.
Last updated